com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance:
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance:


class  AIAccessor
class  AutoOpenClose
class  CloseTask

Public Member Functions

 L2DoorInstance (int objectId, L2CharTemplate template, int doorId, String name, boolean unlockable)
void broadcastFullInfoImpl ()
final void broadcastStatusUpdateImpl ()
final void closeMe ()
boolean doDie (L2Character killer)
int getA ()
L2ItemInstance getActiveWeaponInstance ()
L2Weapon getActiveWeaponItem ()
L2CharacterAI getAI ()
int getB ()
int getC ()
final Castle getCastle ()
ClanHall getClanHall ()
int getD ()
int getDamage ()
int getDistanceToForgetObject (L2Object object)
int getDistanceToWatchObject (L2Object object)
int getDoorId ()
String getDoorName ()
final Fort getFort ()
boolean getIsCommanderDoor ()
final DoorKnownList getKnownList ()
final int getLevel ()
L2MapRegion getMapRegion ()
int getMaxHp ()
boolean getOpen ()
L2ItemInstance getSecondaryWeaponInstance ()
L2Weapon getSecondaryWeaponItem ()
DoorStat getStat ()
int getUpgradeHpRatio ()
int getXMax ()
int getXMin ()
int getYMax ()
int getYMin ()
int getZMax ()
int getZMin ()
boolean isAttackable (L2Character attacker)
boolean isAutoAttackable (L2Character attacker)
boolean isEnemy ()
boolean isEnemyOf (L2PcInstance activeChar)
final boolean isUnlockable ()
void onAction (L2PcInstance player)
void onActionShift (L2PcInstance player)
void onClose ()
void onOpen ()
final void openMe ()
void setAutoActionDelay (int actionDelay)
void setCHDoor (boolean par)
void setClanHall (ClanHall clanHall)
void setIsCommanderDoor (boolean val)
void setMapRegion (L2MapRegion region)
void setOpen (boolean open)
void setRange (int xMin, int yMin, int zMin, int xMax, int yMax, int zMax)
void setUpgradeHpRatio (int hpRatio)
String toString ()
void updateAbnormalEffect ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
CharListenerList getListeners ()
void setInArenaEvent (boolean val)
boolean isInArenaEvent ()
void setArenaAttack (boolean comm)
boolean isArenaAttack ()
void setArenaProtection (boolean comm)
boolean isArenaProtection ()
void setArena1x1 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena1x1 ()
void setArena2x2 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena2x2 ()
void setArena4x4 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena4x4 ()
void setArena9x9 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena9x9 ()
 L2Character (int objectId, L2CharTemplate template)
final void abortAttack ()
final void abortCast ()
void addAttackerToAttackByList (L2Character player)
synchronized void addChanceEffect (L2Skill skill)
synchronized void addChanceSkill (L2Skill skill)
void addEffect (L2Effect newEffect)
void addExpAndSp (long addToExp, int addToSp)
void addNotifyQuestOfDeath (QuestState qs)
L2Skill addSkill (L2Skill newSkill)
final void addStatFunc (Func f)
final void addStatFuncs (Func[] funcs)
final void addStatFuncs (Iterable< Func > funcs)
void addTimeStamp (int skill, int reuse)
void breakAttack ()
void breakCast ()
final void broadcastFullInfo ()
final void broadcastPacket (L2GameServerPacket mov)
final void broadcastPacket (L2GameServerPacket mov, int radiusInKnownlist)
StatusUpdate makeStatusUpdate (int... paramVarArgs)
final void broadcastStatusUpdate ()
int calcHeading (int x_dest, int y_dest)
int calcHeading (Location dest)
final double calcStat (Stats stat, double init, L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int calculateReuseTime (L2Character target, L2Weapon weapon)
int calculateTimeBetweenAttacks (L2Character target, L2Weapon weapon)
void callSkill (L2Skill skill, L2Character... targets)
final boolean canAbortCast ()
boolean charIsGM ()
final L2Zone[] currentZones ()
boolean destroyItem (String process, int objectId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean destroyItemByItemId (String process, int itemId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
void disableAllSkills ()
void disableCoreAI (boolean val)
synchronized void disableSkill (int skillId)
void disableSkill (int skillId, long delay)
void doCast (L2Skill skill)
void doRevive ()
void doRevive (double revivePower)
void doSimultaneousCast (L2Skill skill)
void enableAllSkills ()
synchronized void enableSkill (int skillId)
void finishMovement ()
final void forceIsCasting (int newSkillCastEndTick)
int getAbnormalEffect ()
int getAccuracy ()
boolean isInWater ()
AIAccessor getAIAccessor ()
final L2Effect[] getAllEffects ()
final L2Skill[] getAllSkills ()
float getArmourExpertisePenalty ()
final List< L2CharactergetAttackByList ()
long getAttackEndTime ()
final int getAttackingBodyPart ()
final L2Character getAttackingChar ()
final double getBowReuse (double reuse)
int getBuffCount ()
final Calculator[] getCalculators ()
ChanceSkillList getChanceSkills ()
int getColHeight ()
int getColRadius ()
int getCON ()
final double getCriticalDmg (L2Character target, double init)
int getCriticalHit (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
double getCurrentCp ()
double getCurrentHp ()
double getCurrentHpPercents ()
double getCurrentMp ()
double getCurrentMpPercents ()
int getDanceCount (boolean dances, boolean songs)
int getDEX ()
final double getDistance (int x, int y)
final double getDistance (int x, int y, int z)
final double getDistanceSq (int x, int y, int z)
final double getDistanceSq (L2Object object)
int getEvasionRate (L2Character target)
final L2Effect getFirstEffect (int index)
final L2Effect getFirstEffect (L2EffectType tp)
final L2Effect getFirstEffect (L2Skill skill)
FusionSkill getFusionSkill ()
final int getHeading ()
int getHeadingTo (L2Character target, boolean toChar)
int getHealLimit ()
final int getINT ()
Inventory getInventory ()
int getInventoryLimit ()
final L2Skill getKnownSkill (int skillId)
boolean getLastCriticalDmg ()
int getLastHealAmount ()
long getLastKnowUpdate ()
final L2Skill getLastSimultaneousSkillCast ()
double getLevelMod ()
final int getMagicalAttackRange (L2Skill skill)
int getMAtk (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMAtkSpd ()
final int getMAtkSps (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMaxBuffCount ()
final int getMaxCp ()
final int getMaxMp ()
final int getMCriticalHit (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMDef (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMEN ()
final List< QuestStategetNotifyQuestOfDeath ()
L2Party getParty ()
int getPAtk (L2Character target)
int getPAtkSpd ()
int getPDef (L2Character target)
L2Summon getPet ()
final int getPhysicalAttackRange ()
final double getPlanDistanceSq (int x, int y)
final double getPlanDistanceSq (L2Object object)
long getPvpFlagLasts ()
final int getRandomDamage (L2Character target)
final double getRangeToTarget (L2Object par)
int getRunSpeed ()
int getShldDef ()
int getSkillLevel (int skillId)
Map< Integer, L2SkillgetSkills ()
CharStatus getStatus ()
int getSTR ()
final L2Object getTarget ()
final int getTargetId ()
int getTeam ()
L2CharTemplate getTemplate ()
String getTitle ()
final int getWalkSpeed ()
float getWeaponExpertisePenalty ()
int getWIT ()
final int getXdestination ()
final int getYdestination ()
final int getZdestination ()
L2Zone getZone (String type)
List< L2ZonegetZones ()
boolean hasAI ()
final boolean hasSkill (int skillId)
final boolean isAfraid ()
final boolean isAlikeDead ()
boolean isAllow (EffectTemplate effect, L2Skill skill)
boolean isAllSkillsDisabled ()
final boolean isAttackAborted ()
boolean isAttackingDisabled ()
boolean isAttackingNow ()
boolean isBehind (L2Object target)
boolean isBehindTarget ()
final boolean isBetrayed ()
final boolean isBlessedByNoblesse ()
boolean isBoss ()
final boolean isCastingNow ()
final boolean isCastingSimultaneouslyNow ()
boolean isChampion ()
final boolean isConfused ()
boolean isCoreAIDisabled ()
final boolean isDead ()
final boolean isDisarmed ()
boolean isFacing (L2Object target, int maxAngle)
final boolean isFakeDeath ()
int isFalling (boolean falling, int fallHeight)
final boolean isFallsdown ()
final boolean isFlying ()
boolean isGrandBoss ()
final boolean isImmobileUntilAttacked ()
boolean isImmobilized ()
boolean isInActiveRegion ()
boolean isInCombat ()
boolean isInFrontOf (L2Character target)
boolean isInFrontOfTarget ()
boolean isInParty ()
boolean isInsidePeaceZone (L2PcInstance attacker)
final boolean isInsideRadius (int x, int y, int radius, boolean strictCheck)
final boolean isInsideRadius (int x, int y, int z, int radius, boolean checkZ, boolean strictCheck)
final boolean isInsideRadius (L2Object object, int radius, boolean checkZ, boolean strictCheck)
boolean isInsideZone (byte zone)
final boolean isInsideZone (String zoneType)
boolean isInvul ()
final boolean isLuckByNoblesse ()
boolean isMovementDisabled ()
final boolean isMoving ()
final boolean isMuted ()
final boolean isOnGeodataPath ()
boolean isOutOfControl ()
final boolean isOverloaded ()
final boolean isParalyzed ()
final boolean isPendingRevive ()
final boolean isPetrified ()
final boolean isPhysicalAttackMuted ()
final boolean isPhysicalMuted ()
boolean isPreventedFromReceivingBuffs ()
boolean isRaid ()
boolean isRaidBoss ()
boolean isRaidMinion ()
boolean isRiding ()
final boolean isRooted ()
final boolean isRunning ()
boolean isShowSummonAnimation ()
boolean isSkillDisabled (int skillId)
final boolean isSleeping ()
final boolean isStunned ()
final boolean isTeleporting ()
boolean isUndead ()
boolean isUsingDualWeapon ()
boolean moveToNextRoutePoint ()
boolean mustFallDownOnDeath ()
void onDecay ()
void onEffectFinished (L2Character effected, L2Skill skill)
void onExitChanceEffect ()
void onForcedAttack (L2PcInstance player)
void onMagicFinalizer (L2Skill skill, L2Object target, boolean simultaneously)
void onMagicHitTimer (L2Character[] targets, L2Skill skill, int coolTime, boolean instant, boolean simultaneously)
void onMagicLaunchedTimer (L2Character[] targets, L2Skill skill, int coolTime, boolean instant, boolean simultaneously)
void onSpawn ()
void onTeleported ()
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, boolean isDOT, L2Skill skill)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, L2Skill skill)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, L2Skill skill)
void reduceCurrentHpByDamOverTime (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, int period)
void reduceCurrentMp (double i)
void reduceCurrentMpByDamOverTime (double i, int period)
synchronized void removeChanceEffect (int id)
synchronized void removeChanceSkill (int id)
void removeEffect (L2Effect effect)
boolean removeNotifyQuestOfDeath (QuestState st)
L2Skill removeSkill (int skillId)
L2Skill removeSkill (int skillId, boolean cancelEffect)
L2Skill removeSkill (L2Skill skill)
L2Skill removeSkill (L2Skill skill, boolean cancelEffect)
final void removeStatsOwner (FuncOwner owner)
void removeTimeStamp (int skill)
void returnHome ()
void revalidateZone (boolean force)
void seeSpell (L2PcInstance caster, L2Object target, L2Skill skill)
void sendAvoidMessage (L2Character attacker)
void sendDamageMessage (L2Character target, int damage, boolean mcrit, boolean pcrit, boolean miss)
void sendMessage (String message)
void sendPacket (L2GameServerPacket gsp)
void sendPacket (SystemMessageId sm)
void setAI (L2CharacterAI newAI)
void setAttackingBodypart ()
final void setAttackingChar (L2Character player)
void setChampion (boolean champ)
void setCriticalDmg (boolean par)
void setCurrentHp (double newHp)
final void setCurrentHpMp (double newHp, double newMp)
void setFusionSkill (FusionSkill fb)
final void setHeading (int heading)
void setHealLimit (int power)
void setInsideZone (L2Zone zone, byte zoneType, boolean state)
final void setIsAfraid (boolean value)
final void setIsBetrayed (boolean value)
final void setIsBlessedByNoblesse (boolean value)
void setIsBoss (boolean b)
void setIsCastingNow (boolean value)
void setIsCastingSimultaneouslyNow (boolean value)
final void setIsConfused (boolean value)
final void setIsDead (boolean value)
final void setIsDisarmed (boolean value)
final void setIsFakeDeath (boolean value)
final void setIsFallsdown (boolean value)
final void setIsFlying (final boolean mode)
void setIsGrandBoss (boolean b)
final void setIsImmobileUntilAttacked (boolean value)
void setIsImmobilized (boolean value)
void setIsInvul (boolean b)
final void setIsLuckByNoblesse (boolean value)
final void setIsMuted (boolean value)
final void setIsOverloaded (boolean value)
final void setIsParalyzed (boolean value)
final void setIsPendingRevive (boolean value)
final void setIsPetrified (boolean value)
final void setIsPhysicalAttackMuted (boolean value)
final void setIsPhysicalMuted (boolean value)
void setIsRaid (boolean isRaid)
void setIsRaidMinion (boolean val)
final void setIsRooted (boolean value)
final void setIsRunning (boolean value)
final void setIsSleeping (boolean value)
final void setIsStunned (boolean value)
final void setIsTeleporting (boolean value)
void setKnowAsUpdated (long time)
void setKnownList (CharKnownList value)
void setLastHealAmount (int hp)
void setLastSimultaneousSkillCast (L2Skill skill)
void setPreventedFromReceivingBuffs (boolean value)
void setPvpFlagLasts (long time)
final void setRunning ()
void setShowSummonAnimation (boolean showSummonAnimation)
final void setSkillCast (Future<?> newSkillCast)
void setTarget (L2Object object)
void setTeam (int team)
final void setTitle (String value)
final void setWalking ()
final void startAbnormalEffect (AbnormalEffect mask)
final void startAbnormalEffect (int mask)
final void startBetray ()
final void startConfused ()
final void startFakeDeath ()
final void startFear ()
void startFusionSkill (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
final void startImmobileUntilAttacked ()
final void startLuckNoblesse ()
final void startMuted ()
final void startParalyze ()
final void startPhysicalAttackMuted ()
final void startPhysicalMuted ()
void startPvPFlag ()
final void startRooted ()
final void startSleeping ()
final void startStunning ()
final void stopAbnormalEffect (AbnormalEffect mask)
final void stopAbnormalEffect (int mask)
final void stopAllEffects ()
final void stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath ()
final void stopBetray ()
final void stopConfused (L2Effect effect)
final void stopEffects (L2EffectType type)
final void stopFakeDeath (L2Effect effect)
final void stopFear (L2Effect effect)
final void stopImmobileUntilAttacked (L2Effect effect)
final void stopLuckNoblesse ()
void stopMove ()
void stopMove (L2CharPosition pos)
void stopMove (L2CharPosition pos, boolean updateKnownObjects)
final void stopMuted (L2Effect effect)
final void stopNoblesse ()
final void stopParalyze (L2Effect effect)
final void stopPhysicalAttackMuted (L2Effect effect)
final void stopPhysicalMuted (L2Effect effect)
void stopPvPFlag ()
final void stopRooting (L2Effect effect)
final void stopSkillEffects (int skillId)
final void stopSleeping (L2Effect effect)
final void stopStunning (L2Effect effect)
void teleToLocation (int x, int y, int z)
void teleToLocation (int x, int y, int z, boolean allowRandomOffset)
void teleToLocation (Location loc, boolean allowRandomOffset)
void teleToLocation (TeleportWhereType teleportWhere)
void updateInvisibilityStatus ()
boolean updatePosition (int gameTicks)
void updatePvPFlag (int value)
boolean validateMovementHeading (int heading)
final void ZoneEnter (L2Zone zone)
final void ZoneLeave (L2Zone zone)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
void decayMe ()
void firstSpawn ()
L2PcInstance getActingPlayer ()
L2PcInstance getPlayer ()
boolean isPlayer ()
boolean isItem ()
L2Playable getPlayable ()
boolean isPlayable ()
L2Character getCharacter ()
boolean isCharacter ()
L2Npc getNpc ()
boolean isNpc ()
L2Summon getActingSummon ()
L2GameServerPacket getInfoPacket ()
Location getLoc ()
final String getName ()
final ObjectPoly getPoly ()
final ObjectPosition getPosition ()
Integer getPrimaryKey ()
L2WorldRegion getWorldRegion ()
final int getX ()
final int getY ()
final int getZ ()
boolean isAttackable ()
boolean isInFunEvent ()
boolean isInWorld ()
final boolean isVisible ()
void reset ()
void setName (String name)
final void setXYZ (int x, int y, int z)
final void spawnMe ()
final void spawnMe (int x, int y, int z)
final void spawnMe (int x, int y, int z, boolean firstspawn)
void toggleVisible ()
String getL2ClassShortName ()

Public Attributes

boolean _isCHDoor = false
- Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
GameEvent _event
final int[] lastPosition
L2Effect _itemActiveSkill = null

Protected Attributes

final int _doorId
final String _name
int _autoActionDelay = -1
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
volatile CharListenerList listeners
boolean _isTeleporting = false
boolean _isInvul = false
boolean _isDisarmed = false
boolean _isMarked = false
CharStat _stat
CharStatus _status
boolean _showSummonAnimation = false
String _title
Map< Integer, L2Skill_skills = new LinkedHashMap<>()
ChanceSkillList _chanceSkills
FusionSkill _fusionSkill
byte _zoneValidateCounter = 4
CharKnownList _knownList
Set< Integer > _disabledSkills
MoveData _move
L2CharacterAI _ai
Future<?> _skillCast
Future<?> _skillCast2
boolean _isMoving
Location _startLoc
L2PcInstance player

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
static boolean isInsidePeaceZone (L2Object attacker, L2Object target)
static boolean isInsidePeaceZone (L2PcInstance attacker, L2Object target)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
static final L2PcInstance getActingPlayer (L2Object obj)
static final L2Summon getActingSummon (L2Object obj)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Character.class.getName())
static final double HEADINGS_IN_PI = 10430.378350470452724949566316381
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
static final L2Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new L2Object[0]
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
void calculateRewards (L2Character killer)
boolean checkAndEquipArrows ()
void doAttack (L2Character target)
void initCharStatusUpdateValues ()
boolean moveToLocation (int x, int y, int z, int offset)
boolean needHpUpdate (int barPixels)
void onHitTimer (L2Character target, int damage, boolean crit, boolean miss, boolean soulshot, byte shld)
void reduceArrowCount (boolean bolts)
void refreshSkills ()
final void setTemplate (L2CharTemplate template)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
 L2Object (int objectId)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: