com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance:
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance:


class  AIAccessor
class  ChargeTask
class  ConditionGameTimeListener
enum  ConditionListenerDependency
class  ConditionPlayerHpListener
class  CounterReward
class  dismount
class  FeedTask
class  InventoryEnable
class  LookingForFishTask
class  ProtectSitDownStandUp
class  RentPetTask
class  ShortBuffTask
class  SkillDat
class  SkillRewardTime
class  TimeStamp
class  WarnUserTakeBreak
class  WaterTask

Public Member Functions

PlayerListenerList getListeners ()
Pair< Integer, OnAnswerListenergetAskListener (boolean paramBoolean)
void ask (ConfirmDlg paramConfirmDlg, OnAnswerListener paramOnAnswerListener)
void loadVariables ()
void setVar (final String name, final String value)
void setVarInt (final String name, int value)
void setVarLong (final String name, long value)
boolean getGainXpSpEnable ()
void setGainXpSpEnable (boolean value)
void academyCheck (int Id)
void addAdena (String process, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
void addAncientAdena (String process, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
void addAutoSoulShot (int itemId)
synchronized void addBypass (String bypass)
synchronized void addBypass2 (String bypass)
void addConfirmDlgRequestTime (int requestId, int time)
void addCubic (int id, int level, double matk, int activationtime, int activationchance, int totalLifeTime)
void addExpAndSp (long addToExp, int addToSp)
boolean addHenna (L2HennaInstance henna)
boolean addItem (String process, int itemId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
L2ItemInstance addItem (String process, int itemId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage, boolean UpdateIL)
boolean addItem (String process, int[] itemsId, int[] counts, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
void addItem (String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
L2ItemInstance addItem (String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage, boolean UpdateIL)
void addMessage (String msg)
void addOlyDamage (int dmg)
void addPacket (String packetClass)
L2Skill addSkill (L2Skill newSkill)
L2Skill addSkill (L2Skill newSkill, boolean save)
void addSnooped (L2PcInstance pci)
void addSnooper (L2PcInstance pci)
boolean addSubClass (int classId, int classIndex)
void addTimeStamp (int s, int r)
void addTimeStamp (TimeStamp ts)
boolean allowAltG ()
boolean allowFixedRes ()
boolean allowPeaceAttack ()
boolean banChar ()
void broadcastClassIcon ()
void broadcastFullInfoImpl ()
void broadcastKarma ()
void broadcastRelationChanged ()
void broadcastRelationChangedImpl ()
void broadcastSnoop (int type, String name, String _text)
final void broadcastStatusUpdateImpl ()
final void broadcastTitleInfo ()
final void broadcastUserInfo ()
void calcExpertiseLevel ()
void calculateDeathPenaltyBuffLevel (L2Character killer)
int calculateKarmaLost (long exp)
boolean canBeTargetedByAtSiege (L2PcInstance player)
void cancelActiveTrade ()
boolean canDuel ()
boolean canGainExp ()
void canGainExp (boolean b)
boolean canLogout ()
boolean canOpenPrivateStore ()
boolean canRecom (L2PcInstance target)
boolean canRegisterToEvents ()
boolean canSee (L2Character cha)
void changeName (String name)
void checkAllowedSkills ()
boolean checkCanLand ()
void checkInventory ()
L2ItemInstance checkItemManipulation (int objectId, int count, String action)
void checkItemRestriction ()
boolean checkLastServerPosition (int x, int y, int z)
boolean checkPacket (String[] packetClass)
boolean checkPvpSkill (L2Object obj, L2Skill skill)
boolean checkPvpSkill (L2Object obj, L2Skill skill, boolean srcIsSummon)
void checkRecom (int recsHave, int recsLeft)
void checkSSMatch (L2ItemInstance equipped, L2ItemInstance unequipped)
void checkSummon ()
void checkWaterState ()
void clearActiveTradeList (L2PcInstance partner)
synchronized void clearBypass ()
void clearCharges ()
void clearWarehouse ()
void closeClient ()
void deathPenalty (boolean atWar, boolean killedByPc)
void deathPenalty (boolean atwar, boolean killed_by_pc, boolean charmOfCourage)
void decreaseCharges (int count)
void delCubic (int id)
void deleteMacro (int id)
void deleteMe ()
void deleteShortCut (int slot, int page)
void delQuestState (String quest)
boolean destroyItem (String process, int objectId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean destroyItem (String process, L2ItemInstance item, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean destroyItem (String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean destroyItemByItemId (String process, int itemId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean destroyItemWithoutTrace (String process, int objectId, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
void destroyWearedItems (String process, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean disarmWeapons ()
boolean dismount ()
void doAutoLoot (L2Attackable target, L2Attackable.RewardItem item)
boolean doDie (L2Character killer)
void doInteract (L2Character target)
boolean doOffline ()
boolean doOfflineBuff ()
void doRevive ()
void doRevive (double revivePower)
L2ItemInstance dropItem (String process, int objectId, int count, int x, int y, int z, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage, boolean protectItem)
boolean dropItem (String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean dropItem (String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage, boolean protectItem)
void enableAutoLoot (boolean var)
void endFishing (boolean win)
void engageAnswer (int answer)
void enteredNoLanding ()
void enterMovieMode ()
void enterObserverMode (int x, int y, int z)
void enterOlympiadObserverMode (int x, int y, int z, int id, boolean storeCoords)
void exitedNoLanding ()
L2Weapon findFistsWeaponItem (int classId)
void finishMovement ()
void gatesAnswer (int answer, int type)
void gatesRequest (L2DoorInstance door)
Map< Integer, String > getAccountChars ()
StatsSet getAccountData ()
String getAccountName ()
final L2PcInstance getActingPlayer ()
final L2Summon getActingSummon ()
L2Armor getActiveChestArmorItem ()
int getActiveClass ()
L2ItemInstance getActiveEnchantItem ()
L2Armor getActiveLegsArmorItem ()
L2PcInstance getActiveRequester ()
TradeList getActiveTradeList ()
ItemContainer getActiveWarehouse ()
L2ItemInstance getActiveWeaponInstance ()
L2Weapon getActiveWeaponItem ()
int getAdena ()
L2CharacterAI getAI ()
Quest[] getAllActiveQuests ()
int getAllianceWithVarkaKetra ()
L2ShortCut[] getAllShortCuts ()
int getAllyCrestId ()
int getAllyId ()
int getAncientAdena ()
int getAnimationTimer ()
final PcAppearance getAppearance ()
int getApprentice ()
Map< Integer, Integer > getAutoSoulShot ()
int getBaseClass ()
boolean verSkins ()
final L2PcTemplate getBaseTemplate ()
BlockList getBlockList ()
L2BoatInstance getBoat ()
int getBoatId ()
TradeList getBuyList ()
boolean getCanUseCharmOfCourageItem ()
boolean getCanUseCharmOfCourageRes ()
StatsSet getCharacterData ()
int getCharges ()
L2Skill getChargeSkill ()
int getCharId ()
boolean getCharmOfCourage ()
L2ItemInstance getChestArmorInstance ()
L2Clan getClan ()
long getClanCreateExpiryTime ()
int getClanCrestId ()
int getClanCrestLargeId ()
int getClanId ()
long getClanJoinExpiryTime ()
int getClanPrivileges ()
ClassId getClassId ()
int getClassIndex ()
int getClassLevel ()
ClearableReference< L2PcInstancegetClearableReference ()
L2GameClient getClient ()
int getClientRevision ()
int getCommonCraft ()
L2RecipeList[] getCommonRecipeBook ()
int getCommonRecipeLimit ()
Long getConfirmDlgRequestTime (int requestId)
int getCoupleId ()
L2ManufactureList getCreateList ()
L2CubicInstance getCubic (int id)
Map< Integer, L2CubicInstancegetCubics ()
int getCurrentFeed ()
int getCurrentLoad ()
SkillDat getCurrentPetSkill ()
SkillDat getCurrentSkill ()
Point3D getCurrentSkillWorldPosition ()
int getCursedWeaponEquippedId ()
int getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel ()
long getDeleteTimer ()
boolean getDietMode ()
int getDmKills ()
int getDuelId ()
int getDuelState ()
int getDwarfRecipeLimit ()
int getDwarvenCraft ()
L2RecipeList[] getDwarvenRecipeBook ()
StatsSet getDynamicData ()
int getEnchantEffect (boolean self)
long getEndOfflineTime ()
int getEngageId ()
boolean getExchangeRefusal ()
long getExp ()
long getExpBeforeDeath ()
int getExpertiseIndex ()
int getExpertisePenalty ()
L2Fishing getFishCombat ()
int getFishx ()
int getFishy ()
int getFishz ()
L2Weapon getFistsWeaponItem ()
final long getFloodCount (Protected action)
PcFreight getFreight ()
int getFreightLimit ()
L2FriendList getFriendList ()
L2HennaInstance getHenna (int slot)
int getHennaEmptySlots ()
int getHennaStatCON ()
int getHennaStatDEX ()
int getHennaStatINT ()
int getHennaStatMEN ()
int getHennaStatSTR ()
int getHennaStatWIT ()
String getHost ()
ImmutableReference< L2PcInstancegetImmutableReference ()
Point3D getInBoatPosition ()
PcInventory getInventory ()
int getInventoryLimit ()
int getItemExpertiseIndex ()
long getJailTimer ()
int getKarma ()
final PcKnownList getKnownList ()
String getLang ()
long getLastAccess ()
String getVar (final String name)
L2NpcInstance getLastFolkNPC ()
String getLastPage ()
int getLastPartyPositionDistance (int x, int y, int z)
int getLastQuestNpcObject ()
long getLastRecomUpdate ()
int getLastServerDistance (int x, int y, int z)
Point3D getLastServerPosition ()
L2ItemInstance getLegsArmorInstance ()
final int getLevel ()
double getLevelMod ()
int getLoto (int i)
L2ItemInstance getLure ()
int getLvlJoinedAcademy ()
MacroList getMacroses ()
Forum getMail ()
int getMaxLoad ()
Forum getMemo ()
boolean getMessageRefusal ()
int getMountLevel ()
int getMountNpcId ()
int getMountObjectID ()
int getMountType ()
final int getMultiSellId ()
int getNameColor ()
int getNameColor (L2PcInstance cha)
int getNewbie ()
SystemMessage getNoDuelReason ()
L2StaticObjectInstance getObjectSittingOn ()
int getObservMode ()
int getObsX ()
int getObsY ()
int getObsZ ()
int getOlyDamage ()
int getOlympiadGameId ()
int getOlympiadOpponentId ()
int getOlympiadSide ()
byte getOnlineState ()
long getOnlineTime ()
L2PcInstance getPartner ()
int getPartnerId ()
L2Party getParty ()
boolean getVarB (final String name, final boolean defaultVal)
int getVarInt (final String name, final int defaultVal)
long getVarLong (final String name, final long defaultVal)
void unsetVar (final String name)
boolean getPartyMatchingLevelRestriction ()
int getPartyMatchingRegion ()
L2PartyRoom getPartyRoom ()
int getPcCaffePoints ()
L2Summon getPet ()
int getPkKills ()
int getPledgeClass ()
int getPledgeRank ()
int getPledgeType ()
int getPrivateBuyStoreLimit ()
int getPrivateSellStoreLimit ()
int getPrivateStoreType ()
long getProtection ()
byte getPvpFlag ()
int getPvpKills ()
QuestState[] getQuestsForAttacks (L2Npc npc)
QuestState[] getQuestsForKills (L2Npc npc)
QuestState[] getQuestsForTalk (int npcId)
QuestState getQuestState (String quest)
SkillDat getQueuedSkill ()
Race getRace ()
int getRace (int i)
L2Radar getRadar ()
FastMap< String, String > getVars ()
int getRecomHave ()
int getRecomLeft ()
int getRelation (L2PcInstance target)
L2Request getRequest ()
Map< Integer, TimeStamp > getReuseTimeStamps ()
L2ItemInstance getSecondaryWeaponInstance ()
L2Weapon getSecondaryWeaponItem ()
TradeList getSellList ()
L2ShortCut getShortCut (int slot, int page)
byte getSiegeState ()
ClassId getSkillLearningClassId ()
long getSkillQueueProtectionTime ()
int getSp ()
int getSponsor ()
final PcStat getStat ()
final PcStatus getStatus ()
SubClass getSubclassByIndex (int classIndex)
Map< Integer, SubClassgetSubClasses ()
int getSubLevel ()
int getTeleMode ()
final L2PcTemplate getTemplate ()
int getTitleColor ()
int getTotalSubClasses ()
boolean getTradeRefusal ()
boolean getTrading ()
L2TamedBeastInstance getTrainedBeast ()
long getUptime ()
PcWarehouse getWarehouse ()
int getWareHouseLimit ()
int getWeightPenalty ()
void giveAvailableSkills ()
void giveRecom (L2PcInstance target)
boolean hasCommonCraft ()
boolean hasDwarvenCraft ()
boolean hasDwarvenCrystallize ()
boolean hasRecipeList (int recipeId)
void increaseCharges (int count, int max)
void increaseDeathPenaltyBuffLevel ()
void increaseKarma (int targLVL)
void increasePvpKills (int level)
final void initFloodCount ()
boolean inObserverMode ()
boolean inPrivateMode ()
synchronized void intemediateStore ()
boolean inTradeZone ()
boolean isAcademyMember ()
boolean isAlliedWithKetra ()
boolean isAlliedWithVarka ()
final boolean isAllSkillsDisabled ()
final boolean isAttackingDisabled ()
boolean isAutoAttackable (L2Character attacker)
boolean isAutoLootEnabled ()
boolean isBanned ()
boolean isCastleLord (int castleId)
boolean isChaotic ()
boolean isChatBanned ()
boolean isClanLeader ()
boolean isCombatFlagEquipped ()
boolean isCummonerClass ()
boolean isCursedWeaponEquipped ()
boolean isEnchanting ()
boolean isEngageRequest ()
boolean isFestivalParticipant ()
GameEvent isFightingInEvent ()
boolean isFishing ()
boolean isGM ()
boolean isHero ()
boolean isIn7sDungeon ()
boolean isInBoat ()
boolean isInCraftMode ()
void isInCraftMode (boolean b)
boolean isInCrystallize ()
boolean isInDuel ()
boolean isAuto ()
boolean isInFunEvent ()
boolean isInJail ()
boolean isInLooterParty (int LooterId)
boolean isInOlympiadMode ()
boolean isInParty ()
boolean isInStoreMode ()
boolean isInvetoryDisabled ()
boolean isInvul ()
boolean isLookingForParty ()
boolean isMageClass ()
boolean isMaried ()
boolean isMary ()
boolean isMaryAccepted ()
boolean isMiniMapOpen ()
boolean getVarB (final String name)
boolean isMounted ()
boolean isNoble ()
boolean isNormalCraftMode ()
boolean isOfflineTrade ()
boolean isOlympiadStart ()
int isOnline ()
boolean isOnVehicle ()
boolean isPartyInvProt ()
boolean isPetReviveRequested ()
boolean isProcessingRequest ()
boolean isProcessingTransaction ()
boolean isRecentFakeDeath ()
boolean isRentedPet ()
boolean isRequestExpired ()
boolean isReviveRequested ()
boolean isRiding ()
final boolean isRidingRedStrider ()
final boolean isRidingStrider ()
boolean isShowSkillChance ()
boolean isSitting ()
boolean isSubClassActive ()
boolean isSummoning ()
boolean isUsingDualWeapon ()
boolean isWearingFormalWear ()
boolean isWearingHeavyArmor ()
boolean isWearingLightArmor ()
boolean isWearingMagicArmor ()
void joinParty (L2Party party)
void leaveMovieMode ()
void leaveObserverMode ()
void leaveOlympiadObserverMode ()
void leaveParty ()
void loadSetting (Connection con) throws SQLException
boolean modifySubClass (int classIndex, int newClassId)
boolean mount (int npcId, int controlItemObjId, boolean useFood)
boolean mount (L2Summon pet)
boolean mountPlayer (L2Summon pet)
boolean moveToLocation (int x, int y, int z, int offset)
boolean mustFallDownOnDeath ()
void notWorking (boolean sendhtml)
void onAction (L2PcInstance player)
void onActionRequest ()
void onActionShift (L2PcInstance player)
void onDisarm (L2PcInstance target)
void onFuncAddition (Func f)
void onFuncRemoval (Func f)
void onKillUpdatePvPKarma (L2Character target)
void onPartnerDisconnect ()
void onPlayerEnter ()
void onPvPPkKill (L2Character killer)
void onSpawn ()
final void onTeleported ()
void onTradeCancel (L2PcInstance partner)
void onTradeConfirm (L2PcInstance partner)
void onTradeFinish (boolean successfull)
void onTradeStart (L2PcInstance partner)
void onTransactionRequest (L2PcInstance partner)
void onTransactionResponse ()
QuestState processQuestEvent (String quest, String event)
void rechargeAutoSoulShot (boolean physical, boolean magic, boolean summon, boolean animation)
final void recoverPet ()
boolean reduceAdena (String process, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
boolean reduceAncientAdena (String process, int count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
void reduceCurrentHp (double value, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, boolean isDOT, L2Skill skill)
void reduceDeathPenaltyBuffLevel ()
void reduceOlyDamage (int dmg)
void refreshConditionListeners (ConditionListenerDependency dependency)
void refreshExpertisePenalty ()
void refreshOverloaded ()
void registerCommonRecipeList (L2RecipeList recipe)
void registerDwarvenRecipeList (L2RecipeList recipe)
void registerMacro (L2Macro macro)
void registerShortCut (L2ShortCut shortcut)
void regiveTemporarySkills ()
void removeAutoSoulShot (int itemId)
void removeConfirmDlgRequestTime (int requestId)
void removeExpAndSp (long removeExp, int removeSp)
boolean removeHenna (int slot)
void removeItemFromShortCut (int objectId)
void removePetReviving ()
void removeReviving ()
L2Skill removeSkill (L2Skill skill)
L2Skill removeSkill (L2Skill skill, boolean store)
L2Skill removeSkill (L2Skill skill, boolean store, boolean cancelEffect)
void removeSnooped (L2PcInstance snooped)
void removeSnooper (L2PcInstance pci)
void removeTimeStamp (int s)
void resetSkillTime (boolean ssl)
void restoreDeathPenaltyBuffLevel ()
void restoreEffects ()
void restoreExp (double restorePercent)
void restoreHeroServiceData (L2PcInstance player)
void restoreHPMP ()
void revalidateZone (boolean force)
void reviveAnswer (int answer)
void revivePetRequest (L2PcInstance reviver, L2Skill skill)
void reviveRequest (L2PcInstance reviver, L2Skill skill)
void rewardSkills ()
void saveSettingInDb (Connection con) throws SQLException
void sendChatMessage (int objectId, SystemChatChannelId messageType, String charName, String text)
void sendEtcStatusUpdate ()
void sendEtcStatusUpdateImpl ()
void sendMessage (String message)
void sendPacket (L2GameServerPacket packet)
void sendPacket (SystemMessageId sm)
void sendSkillList ()
void setAccountAccesslevel (int level)
synchronized boolean setActiveClass (int classIndex)
void setActiveEnchantItem (L2ItemInstance scroll)
synchronized void setActiveRequester (L2PcInstance requester)
void setActiveTradeList (TradeList tradeList)
void setActiveWarehouse (ItemContainer warehouse)
void setAllianceWithVarkaKetra (int sideAndLvlOfAlliance)
void setApprentice (int apprentice_id)
void setBaseClass (ClassId classId)
void setBaseClass (int baseClass)
void setBoat (L2BoatInstance boat)
void setBoatId (int boatId)
void setCanUseCharmOfCourageItem (boolean value)
void setCanUseCharmOfCourageRes (boolean value)
void setCharId (int charId)
void setCharmOfCourage (boolean val)
void setClan (L2Clan clan)
void setClanCreateExpiryTime (long time)
void setClanJoinExpiryTime (long time)
void setClanPrivileges (int n)
void setClassId (int Id)
void setClient (L2GameClient client)
void setClientRevision (int clientrev)
void setCombatFlagEquipped (boolean value)
void setCoupleId (int coupleId)
void setCreateList (L2ManufactureList x)
final void setCurrentCp (double newCp)
void setCurrentFeed (int num)
final void setCurrentHp (double newHp)
final void setCurrentMp (double newMp)
void setCurrentPetSkill (L2Skill currentSkill, boolean ctrlPressed, boolean shiftPressed)
void setCurrentSkill (L2Skill currentSkill, boolean ctrlPressed, boolean shiftPressed)
void setCurrentSkillWorldPosition (Point3D worldPosition)
void setCursedWeaponEquippedId (int value)
void setDeathPenaltyBuffLevel (int level)
void setDeleteTimer (long deleteTimer)
void setDietMode (boolean mode)
void setDmKills (int x)
void setDuelState (int mode)
void setEndOfflineTime (boolean restore, long endTime)
void setEngageRequest (boolean state, int playerid)
void setExchangeRefusal (boolean mode)
void setExp (long exp)
void setExpBeforeDeath (long exp)
void setExpertiseIndex (int expertiseIndex)
void setFishing (boolean fishing)
void setFistsWeaponItem (L2Weapon weaponItem)
final boolean setFloodCount (Protected action, long value)
void setGmSetting (boolean gm, boolean res, boolean altg, boolean peace)
void setHero (boolean hero)
void setInBoat (boolean inBoat)
void setInBoatPosition (Point3D pt)
void setInCrystallize (boolean inCrystallize)
void setInJail (boolean state)
void setInJail (boolean state, int delayInMinutes)
void setInsideZone (L2Zone zone, byte zoneType, boolean state)
void setIsBanned (boolean val)
void setIsCastingNow (boolean value)
void setIsEnchanting (boolean val)
void setIsIn7sDungeon (boolean isIn7sDungeon)
void setIsInDuel (int duelId)
void setIsAuto (boolean b)
void setIsInOlympiadMode (boolean b)
void setIsOlympiadStart (boolean b)
void setIsPartyInvProt (boolean value)
final void setIsRidingRedStrider (boolean mode)
final void setIsRidingStrider (boolean mode)
void setIsSitting (boolean state)
void setIsWearingFormalWear (boolean value)
void setItemExpertiseIndex (int expertiseIndex)
void setJailTimer (long time)
void setKarma (int karma)
void setKarmaFlag (int flag)
void setKnowlistMode (boolean showOff)
void setLang (String lang)
void setLastFolkNPC (L2NpcInstance folkNpc)
void setLastPage (String html)
void setLastPartyPosition (int x, int y, int z)
void setLastQuestNpcObject (int npcId)
void setLastRecomUpdate (long date)
void setLastServerPosition (int x, int y, int z)
void setLookingForParty (boolean matching)
void setLoto (int i, int val)
void setLure (L2ItemInstance lure)
void setLvlJoinedAcademy (int lvl)
void setMail (Forum forum)
void setMaried (boolean state)
void setMaryAccepted (boolean state)
void setMaryRequest (boolean state)
void setMemo (Forum forum)
void setMessageRefusal (boolean mode)
void setMiniMapOpen (boolean par)
boolean setMount (int npcId, int npcLevel, int mountType)
void setMountObjectID (int newID)
final void setMultiSellId (final int listid)
void setName (String name)
void setNewbie (int newbieRewards)
void setNoble (boolean val)
void setNormalCraft (boolean val)
void setObjectSittingOn (L2StaticObjectInstance id)
void setOfflineTrade (boolean mode)
void setOlyDamage (int dmg)
void setOlympiadGameId (int id)
void setOlympiadOpponentId (int value)
void setOlympiadSide (int i)
void setOnlineStatus (boolean isOnline)
void setOnlineTime (long time)
void setPartnerId (int partnerid)
void setParty (L2Party party)
void setPartyMatchingRegion (int region)
void setPartyMatchingShowClass (boolean par)
void setPartyRoom (L2PartyRoom room)
void setPcCaffePoints (int val)
void setPet (L2Summon summon)
void setPkKills (int pkKills)
void setPledgeClass (int classId)
void setPledgeRank (int rank)
void setPledgeType (int typeId)
void setPrivateStoreType (int type)
void setProtection (boolean protect)
void setPvpFlag (int pvpFlag)
void setPvpKills (int pvpKills)
void setQuestState (QuestState qs)
void setQueuedSkill (L2Skill queuedSkill, boolean ctrlPressed, boolean shiftPressed)
void setRace (int i, int val)
void setRecentFakeDeath (boolean protect)
void setRecomHave (int value)
void setRelax (boolean val)
void setShowBuffAnim (boolean show)
void setShowSkillChance (boolean val)
void setSiegeState (byte siegeState)
void setSkillLearningClassId (ClassId classId)
void setSkillQueueProtectionTime (long time)
void setSp (int sp)
void setSponsor (int sponsor_id)
void setSummonning (boolean par)
void setTarget (L2Object newTarget)
void setTeleMode (int mode)
void setTemplate (ClassId newclass)
void setTradeRefusal (boolean mode)
void setTrading (boolean trading)
void setTrainedBeast (L2TamedBeastInstance tamedBeast)
void setUptime (long time)
void setWantsPeace (boolean wantsPeace)
void shortBuffStatusUpdate (int magicId, int level, int time)
boolean ShowBuffAnim ()
boolean showTraders ()
void showUserMessages ()
void sitDown ()
void sitDown (boolean force)
void specialCamera (L2Object target, int dist, int yaw, int pitch, int time, int duration)
void standUp ()
void standUp (boolean force)
void startFishCombat (boolean isNoob, boolean isUpperGrade)
void startFishing (int x, int y, int z, boolean isHotSpring)
void startLookingForFishTask ()
void startRentPet (int seconds)
int getClientZ ()
void startTrade (L2PcInstance partner)
void startWarnUserTakeBreak ()
void startSkillRewardTime ()
void startWaterTask ()
void stopAllTimers ()
void stopChargeTask ()
void stopJailTask ()
void stopLookingForFishTask ()
void stopRentPet ()
void stopSkillId (int skillId)
void stopWarnUserTakeBreak ()
void stopSkillRewardTime ()
void stopWaterTask ()
synchronized void store ()
synchronized void store (boolean items)
void storePetFood (int petId)
void teleportAnswer (int answer, int requesterId)
boolean teleportRequest (L2PcInstance requester, L2Skill skill)
void teleToLocation (int x, int y, int z, boolean allowRandomOffset)
void tempInvetoryDisable ()
String toString ()
L2ItemInstance transferItem (String process, int objectId, int count, Inventory target, L2Object reference)
void tryOpenPrivateBuyStore ()
void tryOpenPrivateSellStore (boolean isPackageSale)
void unregisterRecipeList (int recipeId)
void updateAbnormalEffect ()
void updateEffectIconsImpl ()
void updateNameTitleColor ()
void updateOnlineStatus ()
void updatePvPFlag (int value)
void updatePvPStatus ()
void updatePvPStatus (L2Character target)
synchronized void useEquippableItem (L2ItemInstance item, boolean abortAttack)
void useMagic (L2Skill skill, boolean forceUse, boolean dontMove)
synchronized boolean validateBypass (String cmd)
boolean validateItemManipulation (int objectId, String action)
boolean wantsPeace ()
void setSecondRefusal (boolean mode)
boolean getSecondRefusal ()
void setWarehouseAccountId (String id)
String getWarehouseAccountId ()
void setWarehouseAccountPwd (String pwd)
String getWarehouseAccountPwd ()
void setHasWarehouseAccount (boolean i)
boolean hasWarehouseAccount ()
boolean isVip ()
void setVip (boolean val)
void setVipEndTime (long val)
long getVipEndTime ()
boolean isAio ()
void setEndTime (String process, int val)
DressMeData getDressMeData ()
void setDressMeData (DressMeData val)
boolean isDressMeEnabled ()
void setDressMeEnabled (boolean val)
boolean isInArenaEvent ()
void setInArenaEvent (boolean val)
void increaseArenaDefeats ()
void increaseArenaWins ()
int getArenaWins ()
int getArenaDefeats ()
long getOfflineStartTime ()
void setOfflineStartTime (long time)
void tryOpenPrivateBuffStore ()
List< L2ItemInstancegetSkillsForBuffShop ()
List< L2ItemInstancegetAvailableSkillsForBuffShop ()
Map< Integer, int[]> getBuffShopSellList ()
void clearBuffShopSellList ()
void addItemToBuffShopSellList (int id, int count)
void addObjectToBuffShopSellList (int id, int count)
void setIsBuffShop (boolean is)
boolean isBuffShop ()
void setIsBizy (boolean is)
boolean isBizy ()
int getPrivateBuffShopLimit ()
void setPrivateBuffShopLimit (int limit)
boolean readyAchievementsList ()
void saveAchievemntData ()
void getAchievemntData ()
void saveAchievementData (int achievementID)
List< Integer > getCompletedAchievements ()
void addItem (String process, int itemId, long countL, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
int getItemCount (final int itemId, final int enchantLevel)
void reloadPVPHeroAura ()
void setHeroAura (boolean heroAura)
boolean getIsPVPHero ()
void setAllowed (int allowed)
int getAllowed ()
void ignored (Integer itemId)
boolean ignoredDropContain (int itemId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Playable
 L2Playable (int objectId, L2CharTemplate template)
final void addEffect (L2Effect newEffect)
boolean checkIfPvP (L2Character target)
final boolean getCharmOfLuck ()
final boolean getProtectionBlessing ()
boolean isAttackable ()
final boolean isNoblesseBlessed ()
final boolean isPhoenixBlessed ()
boolean isSilentMoving ()
final void removeEffect (L2Effect effect)
final void sendAvoidMessage (L2Character attacker)
void sendDamageMessage (L2Character target, int damage, boolean mcrit, boolean pcrit, boolean miss)
final void setCharmOfLuck (boolean value)
final void setIsNoblesseBlessed (boolean value)
final void setIsPhoenixBlessed (boolean value)
final void setProtectionBlessing (boolean value)
void setSilentMoving (boolean flag)
final void startCharmOfLuck ()
final void startNoblesseBlessing ()
final void startPhoenixBlessing ()
void startProtectionBlessing ()
final void stopCharmOfLuck (L2Effect effect)
final void stopNoblesseBlessing (L2Effect effect)
final void stopPhoenixBlessing (L2Effect effect)
void stopProtectionBlessing (L2Effect effect)
final void updateEffectIcons ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
void setArenaAttack (boolean comm)
boolean isArenaAttack ()
void setArenaProtection (boolean comm)
boolean isArenaProtection ()
void setArena1x1 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena1x1 ()
void setArena2x2 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena2x2 ()
void setArena4x4 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena4x4 ()
void setArena9x9 (boolean comm)
boolean isArena9x9 ()
 L2Character (int objectId, L2CharTemplate template)
final void abortAttack ()
final void abortCast ()
void addAttackerToAttackByList (L2Character player)
synchronized void addChanceEffect (L2Skill skill)
synchronized void addChanceSkill (L2Skill skill)
void addNotifyQuestOfDeath (QuestState qs)
final void addStatFunc (Func f)
final void addStatFuncs (Func[] funcs)
final void addStatFuncs (Iterable< Func > funcs)
void breakAttack ()
void breakCast ()
final void broadcastFullInfo ()
final void broadcastPacket (L2GameServerPacket mov)
final void broadcastPacket (L2GameServerPacket mov, int radiusInKnownlist)
StatusUpdate makeStatusUpdate (int... paramVarArgs)
final void broadcastStatusUpdate ()
int calcHeading (int x_dest, int y_dest)
int calcHeading (Location dest)
final double calcStat (Stats stat, double init, L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int calculateReuseTime (L2Character target, L2Weapon weapon)
int calculateTimeBetweenAttacks (L2Character target, L2Weapon weapon)
void callSkill (L2Skill skill, L2Character... targets)
final boolean canAbortCast ()
boolean charIsGM ()
final L2Zone[] currentZones ()
void disableAllSkills ()
void disableCoreAI (boolean val)
synchronized void disableSkill (int skillId)
void disableSkill (int skillId, long delay)
void doCast (L2Skill skill)
void doSimultaneousCast (L2Skill skill)
void enableAllSkills ()
synchronized void enableSkill (int skillId)
final void forceIsCasting (int newSkillCastEndTick)
int getAbnormalEffect ()
int getAccuracy ()
boolean isInWater ()
AIAccessor getAIAccessor ()
final L2Effect[] getAllEffects ()
final L2Skill[] getAllSkills ()
float getArmourExpertisePenalty ()
final List< L2CharactergetAttackByList ()
long getAttackEndTime ()
final int getAttackingBodyPart ()
final L2Character getAttackingChar ()
final double getBowReuse (double reuse)
int getBuffCount ()
final Calculator[] getCalculators ()
ChanceSkillList getChanceSkills ()
int getColHeight ()
int getColRadius ()
int getCON ()
final double getCriticalDmg (L2Character target, double init)
int getCriticalHit (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
double getCurrentCp ()
double getCurrentHp ()
double getCurrentHpPercents ()
double getCurrentMp ()
double getCurrentMpPercents ()
int getDanceCount (boolean dances, boolean songs)
int getDEX ()
final double getDistance (int x, int y)
final double getDistance (int x, int y, int z)
final double getDistanceSq (int x, int y, int z)
final double getDistanceSq (L2Object object)
int getEvasionRate (L2Character target)
final L2Effect getFirstEffect (int index)
final L2Effect getFirstEffect (L2EffectType tp)
final L2Effect getFirstEffect (L2Skill skill)
FusionSkill getFusionSkill ()
final int getHeading ()
int getHeadingTo (L2Character target, boolean toChar)
int getHealLimit ()
final int getINT ()
final L2Skill getKnownSkill (int skillId)
boolean getLastCriticalDmg ()
int getLastHealAmount ()
long getLastKnowUpdate ()
final L2Skill getLastSimultaneousSkillCast ()
final int getMagicalAttackRange (L2Skill skill)
int getMAtk (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMAtkSpd ()
final int getMAtkSps (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMaxBuffCount ()
final int getMaxCp ()
int getMaxHp ()
final int getMaxMp ()
final int getMCriticalHit (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMDef (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
int getMEN ()
final List< QuestStategetNotifyQuestOfDeath ()
int getPAtk (L2Character target)
int getPAtkSpd ()
int getPDef (L2Character target)
final int getPhysicalAttackRange ()
final double getPlanDistanceSq (int x, int y)
final double getPlanDistanceSq (L2Object object)
long getPvpFlagLasts ()
final int getRandomDamage (L2Character target)
final double getRangeToTarget (L2Object par)
int getRunSpeed ()
int getShldDef ()
int getSkillLevel (int skillId)
Map< Integer, L2SkillgetSkills ()
int getSTR ()
final L2Object getTarget ()
final int getTargetId ()
int getTeam ()
String getTitle ()
final int getWalkSpeed ()
float getWeaponExpertisePenalty ()
int getWIT ()
final int getXdestination ()
final int getYdestination ()
final int getZdestination ()
L2Zone getZone (String type)
List< L2ZonegetZones ()
boolean hasAI ()
final boolean hasSkill (int skillId)
final boolean isAfraid ()
final boolean isAlikeDead ()
boolean isAllow (EffectTemplate effect, L2Skill skill)
final boolean isAttackAborted ()
boolean isAttackingNow ()
boolean isBehind (L2Object target)
boolean isBehindTarget ()
final boolean isBetrayed ()
final boolean isBlessedByNoblesse ()
boolean isBoss ()
final boolean isCastingNow ()
final boolean isCastingSimultaneouslyNow ()
boolean isChampion ()
final boolean isConfused ()
boolean isCoreAIDisabled ()
final boolean isDead ()
final boolean isDisarmed ()
boolean isFacing (L2Object target, int maxAngle)
final boolean isFakeDeath ()
int isFalling (boolean falling, int fallHeight)
final boolean isFallsdown ()
final boolean isFlying ()
boolean isGrandBoss ()
final boolean isImmobileUntilAttacked ()
boolean isImmobilized ()
boolean isInActiveRegion ()
boolean isInCombat ()
boolean isInFrontOf (L2Character target)
boolean isInFrontOfTarget ()
boolean isInsidePeaceZone (L2PcInstance attacker)
final boolean isInsideRadius (int x, int y, int radius, boolean strictCheck)
final boolean isInsideRadius (int x, int y, int z, int radius, boolean checkZ, boolean strictCheck)
final boolean isInsideRadius (L2Object object, int radius, boolean checkZ, boolean strictCheck)
boolean isInsideZone (byte zone)
final boolean isInsideZone (String zoneType)
final boolean isLuckByNoblesse ()
boolean isMovementDisabled ()
final boolean isMoving ()
final boolean isMuted ()
final boolean isOnGeodataPath ()
boolean isOutOfControl ()
final boolean isOverloaded ()
final boolean isParalyzed ()
final boolean isPendingRevive ()
final boolean isPetrified ()
final boolean isPhysicalAttackMuted ()
final boolean isPhysicalMuted ()
boolean isPreventedFromReceivingBuffs ()
boolean isRaid ()
boolean isRaidBoss ()
boolean isRaidMinion ()
final boolean isRooted ()
final boolean isRunning ()
boolean isShowSummonAnimation ()
boolean isSkillDisabled (int skillId)
final boolean isSleeping ()
final boolean isStunned ()
final boolean isTeleporting ()
boolean isUndead ()
boolean moveToNextRoutePoint ()
void onDecay ()
void onEffectFinished (L2Character effected, L2Skill skill)
void onExitChanceEffect ()
void onForcedAttack (L2PcInstance player)
void onMagicFinalizer (L2Skill skill, L2Object target, boolean simultaneously)
void onMagicHitTimer (L2Character[] targets, L2Skill skill, int coolTime, boolean instant, boolean simultaneously)
void onMagicLaunchedTimer (L2Character[] targets, L2Skill skill, int coolTime, boolean instant, boolean simultaneously)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, L2Skill skill)
void reduceCurrentHp (double i, L2Character attacker, L2Skill skill)
void reduceCurrentHpByDamOverTime (double i, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, int period)
void reduceCurrentMp (double i)
void reduceCurrentMpByDamOverTime (double i, int period)
synchronized void removeChanceEffect (int id)
synchronized void removeChanceSkill (int id)
boolean removeNotifyQuestOfDeath (QuestState st)
L2Skill removeSkill (int skillId)
L2Skill removeSkill (int skillId, boolean cancelEffect)
final void removeStatsOwner (FuncOwner owner)
void returnHome ()
void seeSpell (L2PcInstance caster, L2Object target, L2Skill skill)
void setAI (L2CharacterAI newAI)
void setAttackingBodypart ()
final void setAttackingChar (L2Character player)
void setChampion (boolean champ)
void setCriticalDmg (boolean par)
final void setCurrentHpMp (double newHp, double newMp)
void setFusionSkill (FusionSkill fb)
final void setHeading (int heading)
void setHealLimit (int power)
final void setIsAfraid (boolean value)
final void setIsBetrayed (boolean value)
final void setIsBlessedByNoblesse (boolean value)
void setIsBoss (boolean b)
void setIsCastingSimultaneouslyNow (boolean value)
final void setIsConfused (boolean value)
final void setIsDead (boolean value)
final void setIsDisarmed (boolean value)
final void setIsFakeDeath (boolean value)
final void setIsFallsdown (boolean value)
final void setIsFlying (final boolean mode)
void setIsGrandBoss (boolean b)
final void setIsImmobileUntilAttacked (boolean value)
void setIsImmobilized (boolean value)
void setIsInvul (boolean b)
final void setIsLuckByNoblesse (boolean value)
final void setIsMuted (boolean value)
final void setIsOverloaded (boolean value)
final void setIsParalyzed (boolean value)
final void setIsPendingRevive (boolean value)
final void setIsPetrified (boolean value)
final void setIsPhysicalAttackMuted (boolean value)
final void setIsPhysicalMuted (boolean value)
void setIsRaid (boolean isRaid)
void setIsRaidMinion (boolean val)
final void setIsRooted (boolean value)
final void setIsRunning (boolean value)
final void setIsSleeping (boolean value)
final void setIsStunned (boolean value)
final void setIsTeleporting (boolean value)
void setKnowAsUpdated (long time)
void setKnownList (CharKnownList value)
void setLastHealAmount (int hp)
void setLastSimultaneousSkillCast (L2Skill skill)
void setPreventedFromReceivingBuffs (boolean value)
void setPvpFlagLasts (long time)
final void setRunning ()
void setShowSummonAnimation (boolean showSummonAnimation)
final void setSkillCast (Future<?> newSkillCast)
void setTeam (int team)
final void setTitle (String value)
final void setWalking ()
final void startAbnormalEffect (AbnormalEffect mask)
final void startAbnormalEffect (int mask)
final void startBetray ()
final void startConfused ()
final void startFakeDeath ()
final void startFear ()
void startFusionSkill (L2Character target, L2Skill skill)
final void startImmobileUntilAttacked ()
final void startLuckNoblesse ()
final void startMuted ()
final void startParalyze ()
final void startPhysicalAttackMuted ()
final void startPhysicalMuted ()
void startPvPFlag ()
final void startRooted ()
final void startSleeping ()
final void startStunning ()
final void stopAbnormalEffect (AbnormalEffect mask)
final void stopAbnormalEffect (int mask)
final void stopAllEffects ()
final void stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath ()
final void stopBetray ()
final void stopConfused (L2Effect effect)
final void stopEffects (L2EffectType type)
final void stopFakeDeath (L2Effect effect)
final void stopFear (L2Effect effect)
final void stopImmobileUntilAttacked (L2Effect effect)
final void stopLuckNoblesse ()
void stopMove ()
void stopMove (L2CharPosition pos)
void stopMove (L2CharPosition pos, boolean updateKnownObjects)
final void stopMuted (L2Effect effect)
final void stopNoblesse ()
final void stopParalyze (L2Effect effect)
final void stopPhysicalAttackMuted (L2Effect effect)
final void stopPhysicalMuted (L2Effect effect)
void stopPvPFlag ()
final void stopRooting (L2Effect effect)
final void stopSkillEffects (int skillId)
final void stopSleeping (L2Effect effect)
final void stopStunning (L2Effect effect)
void teleToLocation (int x, int y, int z)
void teleToLocation (Location loc, boolean allowRandomOffset)
void teleToLocation (TeleportWhereType teleportWhere)
void updateInvisibilityStatus ()
boolean updatePosition (int gameTicks)
boolean validateMovementHeading (int heading)
final void ZoneEnter (L2Zone zone)
final void ZoneLeave (L2Zone zone)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
void decayMe ()
void firstSpawn ()
L2PcInstance getPlayer ()
boolean isPlayer ()
boolean isItem ()
L2Playable getPlayable ()
boolean isPlayable ()
L2Character getCharacter ()
boolean isCharacter ()
L2Npc getNpc ()
boolean isNpc ()
L2GameServerPacket getInfoPacket ()
Location getLoc ()
final String getName ()
final ObjectPoly getPoly ()
final ObjectPosition getPosition ()
Integer getPrimaryKey ()
L2WorldRegion getWorldRegion ()
final int getX ()
final int getY ()
final int getZ ()
boolean isInWorld ()
final boolean isVisible ()
void reset ()
final void setXYZ (int x, int y, int z)
final void spawnMe ()
final void spawnMe (int x, int y, int z)
final void spawnMe (int x, int y, int z, boolean firstspawn)
void toggleVisible ()
String getL2ClassShortName ()

Static Public Member Functions

static L2PcInstance create (int objectId, L2PcTemplate template, String accountName, String name, byte hairStyle, byte hairColor, byte face, boolean sex)
static void disconnectIfOnline (int objectId)
static L2PcInstance load (int objectId)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
static boolean isInsidePeaceZone (L2Object attacker, L2Object target)
static boolean isInsidePeaceZone (L2PcInstance attacker, L2Object target)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
static final L2PcInstance getActingPlayer (L2Object obj)
static final L2Summon getActingSummon (L2Object obj)

Public Attributes

CharListenerList listeners = null
int _bbsMultisell = 0
boolean _inWorld = false
boolean _inSepulture = false
int[] _seeds = new int[3]
int _lastSkill = 0
L2PcInstance _activeRequester
long _requestExpireTime = 0
int _telemode = 0
int duelist_cont = 0
boolean verSkin
boolean _buffBlocked
int _lastUseItem
boolean _clanLeader = false
long _lastStore = 0
ScheduledFuture<?> _taskforfish
L2ItemInstance _lure = null
boolean hasWarehouseAccount = false
String warehouseAccountId
boolean _dressed = false
- Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
GameEvent _event
final int[] lastPosition
L2Effect _itemActiveSkill = null

Static Public Attributes

static final int REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 15
static final int STORE_PRIVATE_NONE = 0
static final int STORE_PRIVATE_SELL = 1
static final int STORE_PRIVATE_BUY = 3
static final int STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE = 5
static final int STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL = 8
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Playable
static final L2Playable[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new L2Playable[0]
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Character.class.getName())
static final double HEADINGS_IN_PI = 10430.378350470452724949566316381
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
static final L2Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new L2Object[0]

Protected Member Functions

boolean canInteract (L2PcInstance player)
boolean checkAndEquipArrows ()
final void clearPetData ()
void decRecomLeft ()
void doPickupItem (L2Object object)
int getFeedConsume ()
int getMaxFeed ()
final L2PetData getPetData (int npcId)
void incRecomHave ()
boolean isHungry ()
void reduceArrowCount (boolean bolts)
synchronized void startFeed (int npcId)
void resetCounter ()
synchronized void stopFeed ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
void calculateRewards (L2Character killer)
void doAttack (L2Character target)
void initCharStatusUpdateValues ()
boolean needHpUpdate (int barPixels)
void onHitTimer (L2Character target, int damage, boolean crit, boolean miss, boolean soulshot, byte shld)
void refreshSkills ()
final void setTemplate (L2CharTemplate template)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.L2Object
 L2Object (int objectId)

Protected Attributes

L2GameClient _client
boolean _protectedSitStand = false
long TOGGLE_USE = 0
boolean _inventoryDisable = false
Map< Integer, L2CubicInstance_cubics = new SingletonMap<Integer, L2CubicInstance>().setShared()
final Map< Integer, Integer > _activeSoulShots = new SingletonMap<Integer, Integer>().setShared()
int _baseClass
int _activeClass
int _classIndex = 0
Future<?> _mountFeedTask
ScheduledFuture<?> _onCounterTask = null
int _OnTimer = 5 * 60
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.actor.L2Character
volatile CharListenerList listeners
boolean _isTeleporting = false
boolean _isInvul = false
boolean _isDisarmed = false
boolean _isMarked = false
CharStat _stat
CharStatus _status
boolean _showSummonAnimation = false
String _title
Map< Integer, L2Skill_skills = new LinkedHashMap<>()
ChanceSkillList _chanceSkills
FusionSkill _fusionSkill
byte _zoneValidateCounter = 4
CharKnownList _knownList
Set< Integer > _disabledSkills
MoveData _move
L2CharacterAI _ai
Future<?> _skillCast
Future<?> _skillCast2
boolean _isMoving
Location _startLoc
L2PcInstance player

Member Function Documentation

◆ getClientZ()

int com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.getClientZ ( )

Gets the client z.

the client z

◆ getMultiSellId()

final int com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.getMultiSellId ( )

Gets the multi sell id.

the multi sell id

◆ setMultiSellId()

final void com.premium.game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.setMultiSellId ( final int  listid)

Sets the multi sell id.

listidthe new multi sell id

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: