com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle:
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle:


class  CastleFunction

Public Member Functions

 Castle (int castleId)
void addContractFort (int fortId)
void addToTreasury (int amount)
boolean addToTreasuryNoTax (int amount)
boolean checkTaxPercent (L2PcInstance activeChar, int taxPercent)
void closeDoor (L2PcInstance activeChar, int doorId)
void engrave (L2Clan clan, int objId)
int getBloodAliance ()
final int getCastleId ()
synchronized CropProcure getCrop (int cropId, int period)
List< CropProcuregetCropProcure (int period)
final L2DoorInstance getDoor (int doorId)
final List< L2DoorInstancegetDoors ()
CastleFunction getFunction (int type)
boolean getIsTimeRegistrationOver ()
int getManorCost (int period)
int getNewCastleTax ()
List< L2SkillgetResidentialSkills ()
synchronized SeedProduction getSeed (int seedId, int period)
List< SeedProductiongetSeedProduction (int period)
final boolean getShowNpcCrest ()
final Siege getSiege ()
final Calendar getSiegeDate ()
final int getTaxPercent ()
final double getTaxRate ()
Calendar getTimeRegistrationOverDate ()
int getTrapUpgradeLevel (int towerIndex)
final int getTreasury ()
void giveResidentialSkills (L2PcInstance player)
boolean isAutoTime ()
boolean isHaveContrctetFort ()
boolean isNextPeriodApproved ()
void loadDoorUpgrade ()
void openCloseDoor (L2PcInstance activeChar, int doorId, boolean open)
void openDoor (L2PcInstance activeChar, int doorId)
void removeContractFort (int fortId)
void removeDoorUpgrade ()
void removeFunction (int functionType)
void removeOwner (L2Clan clan)
void removeResidentialSkills (L2PcInstance player)
void removeTrapUpgrade ()
void removeUpgrade ()
void resetArtifact ()
void saveCropData ()
void saveCropData (int period)
void saveSeedData ()
void saveSeedData (int period)
void setBloodAliance (int cnt)
void setCropProcure (List< CropProcure > crop, int period)
void setIsTimeRegistrationOver (boolean val)
void setNextPeriodApproved (boolean val)
void setOwner (L2Clan clan)
void setSeedProduction (List< SeedProduction > production, int period)
final void setShowNpcCrest (boolean showNpcCrest)
void setTaxPercent (int taxPercent)
void setTrapUpgrade (int towerIndex, int level, boolean save)
void SetUpNewTax (int NewTax)
void spawnDoor ()
void spawnDoor (boolean isDoorWeak)
void updateClansReputation ()
void updateCrop (int cropId, int amount, int period)
boolean updateFunctions (L2PcInstance player, int type, int lvl, int lease, long rate, boolean addNew)
void updateSeed (int seedId, int amount, int period)
void updateShowNpcCrest ()
void upgradeDoor (int doorId, int hp, boolean db)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Siegeable
boolean checkBanish (L2PcInstance cha)
boolean checkIfInZoneBattlefield (int x, int y, int z)
boolean checkIfInZoneBattlefield (L2Object obj)
boolean checkIfInZoneHeadQuarters (int x, int y, int z)
boolean checkIfInZoneHeadQuarters (L2Object obj)
final L2SiegeZone getBattlefield ()
final L2Zone getDefenderSpawn ()
final L2Zone getHeadQuarters ()
final String getName ()
final int getOwnerId ()
final L2Zone getTeleZone ()
void oustAllPlayers ()
void registerDefenderSpawn (L2Zone zone)
void registerHeadquartersZone (L2Zone zone)
void registerSiegeZone (L2SiegeZone zone)
void registerTeleportZone (L2Zone zone)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.entity.Entity
void banishForeigners ()
void broadcastToPlayers (L2GameServerPacket gsp)
void broadcastToPlayers (String message)
boolean checkIfInZone (int x, int y)
boolean checkIfInZone (int x, int y, int z)
boolean checkIfInZone (L2Object cha)
String getClassName ()
double getDistanceToZone (int x, int y)
int getFortId ()
List< L2PcInstancegetPlayersInside ()
L2PcInstance getRandomPlayer ()
int getTownId ()
L2Zone getZone ()
void registerZone (L2Zone zone)

Public Attributes

int _newTax

Static Public Attributes

static final int FUNC_TELEPORT = 1
static final int FUNC_RESTORE_HP = 2
static final int FUNC_RESTORE_MP = 3
static final int FUNC_RESTORE_EXP = 4
static final int FUNC_SUPPORT = 5
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.entity.Entity
static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Entity.class.getName())

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Siegeable
String _name
int _ownerId = 0
L2Clan _formerOwner = null
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.entity.Entity
L2Zone _zone

Member Function Documentation

◆ loadDoorUpgrade()

void com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle.loadDoorUpgrade ( )

This method loads castle door upgrade data from database.

◆ removeDoorUpgrade()

void com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle.removeDoorUpgrade ( )

This method is only used on siege midVictory.

◆ removeTrapUpgrade()

void com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle.removeTrapUpgrade ( )

Delete all traps informations for a single castle.

◆ setTrapUpgrade()

void com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle.setTrapUpgrade ( int  towerIndex,
int  level,
boolean  save 

Save properties of a Flame Tower.

towerIndex: The tower to affect.
level: The new level of update.
save: Should it be saved on database or not.

Member Data Documentation


final int com.premium.game.model.entity.siege.Castle.FUNC_TELEPORT = 1

Castle Functions

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