List< Integer > | getAllCrops () |
int | getCastleIdForSeed (int seedId) |
int | getCropBasicPrice (int cropId) |
int | getCropPuchaseLimit (int cropId) |
List< Integer > | getCropsForCastle (int castleId) |
int | getCropType (int seedId) |
int | getMatureCrop (int cropId) |
synchronized int | getRewardItem (int cropId, int type) |
synchronized int | getRewardItemBySeed (int seedId, int type) |
int | getSeedBasicPrice (int seedId) |
int | getSeedBasicPriceByCrop (int cropId) |
int | getSeedBuyPrice (int seedId) |
int | getSeedLevel (int seedId) |
int | getSeedLevelByCrop (int cropId) |
int | getSeedMaxLevel (int seedId) |
int | getSeedMinLevel (int seedId) |
int | getSeedSaleLimit (int seedId) |
List< Integer > | getSeedsForCastle (int castleId) |
boolean | isAlternative (int seedId) |
void | parseDocument (Document doc) |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/master/Documents/l2/servers/source/l2premium/L2JPremium_GameServer/src/com/premium/game/model/L2Manor.java