com.premium.game.network.ThreadPoolManager Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.network.ThreadPoolManager:

Public Member Functions

void executeAi (Runnable r)
void executeCommunityPacket (Runnable r)
void executeIOPacket (Runnable pkt)
void executePacket (Runnable pkt)
void executeTask (Runnable r)
String getGeneralStats ()
String getIOPacketStats ()
String getPacketStats ()
String[] getStats ()
boolean isShutdown ()
void purge ()
boolean removeGeneral (Runnable r)
boolean removeGeneral (RunnableScheduledFuture<?> r)
ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAi (Runnable r, long delay)
ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAiAtFixedRate (Runnable r, long initial, long delay)
ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleEffect (Runnable r, long delay)
ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleEffectAtFixedRate (Runnable r, long initial, long delay)
ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleGeneral (Runnable r, long delay)
ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate (Runnable r, long initial, long delay)
void shutdown ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ThreadPoolManager getInstance ()
static long validateDelay (long delay)

Static Public Attributes

static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(ThreadPoolManager.class.getName())

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