boolean | addSpawnLocation (int x, int y, int z, int heading) |
boolean | addSpawnLocation (int[] spawnLoc) |
int | getDespawnDelay () |
int | getInitialDelay () |
Location[] | getLocationList () |
int | getNpcId () |
L2Npc[] | getNPCInstanceList () |
int | getObjectId () |
int | getRespawnDelay () |
int | getSpawnCount () |
L2Spawn[] | getSpawns () |
boolean | isBroadcasting () |
boolean | isRandomSpawn () |
boolean | isSpawnActive () |
Location | removeSpawnLocation (int locIndex) |
void | setBroadcast (boolean broadcastValue) |
void | setRandomSpawn (boolean randValue) |
void | setSpawnCount (int spawnCount) |
| AutoSpawnInstance (int npcId, int initDelay, int respawnDelay, int despawnDelay) |
boolean | addNpcInstance (L2Npc npcInst) |
boolean | removeNpcInstance (L2Npc npcInst) |
void | setSpawnActive (boolean activeValue) |
int | _objectId |
int | _spawnIndex |
int | _npcId |
int | _initDelay |
int | _resDelay |
int | _desDelay |
int | _spawnCount = 1 |
int | _lastLocIndex = -1 |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/master/Documents/l2/servers/source/l2premium/L2JPremium_GameServer/src/com/premium/game/manager/AutoSpawnManager.java