com.premium.game.ai.L2CharacterAI Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.premium.game.ai.L2CharacterAI:
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.ai.L2CharacterAI:


class  IntentionCommand
class  SelfAnalysis
class  TargetAnalysis

Public Member Functions

 L2CharacterAI (L2Character.AIAccessor accessor)
IntentionCommand getNextIntention ()
void stopAITask ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.ai.AbstractAI
void clientStartAutoAttack ()
void clientStopAutoAttack ()
void describeStateToPlayer (L2PcInstance player)
synchronized final void followTarget ()
L2Character getActor ()
L2Character getAttackTarget ()
L2Character getCastTarget ()
CtrlIntention getIntention ()
Object getIntentionArg0 ()
Object getIntentionArg1 ()
NextAction getNextAction ()
boolean isAutoAttacking ()
final void notifyEvent (CtrlEvent evt)
final void notifyEvent (CtrlEvent evt, Object arg0)
final void notifyEvent (CtrlEvent evt, Object arg0, Object arg1)
void setAutoAttacking (boolean isAutoAttacking)
final void setIntention (CtrlIntention intention)
final void setIntention (CtrlIntention intention, Object arg0)
final void setIntention (CtrlIntention intention, Object arg0, Object arg1)
void setNextAction (NextAction nextAction)
final synchronized void startFollow (L2Character target)
final synchronized void startFollow (L2Character target, int range)
final synchronized void stopFollow ()

Protected Member Functions

boolean checkTargetLost (L2Object target)
boolean checkTargetLostOrDead (L2Character target)
boolean maybeMoveToPawn (L2Object target, int offset)
boolean maybeMoveToPosition (Point3D worldPosition, int offset)
void onEvtAggression (L2Character target, int aggro)
void onEvtArrived ()
void onEvtArrivedBlocked (L2CharPosition blocked_at_pos)
void onEvtArrivedRevalidate ()
void onEvtAttacked (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtCancel ()
void onEvtConfused (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtDead ()
void onEvtFakeDeath ()
void onEvtFinishCasting ()
void onEvtForgetObject (L2Object object)
void onEvtMuted (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtParalyzed (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtReadyToAct ()
void onEvtRooted (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtSleeping (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtStunned (L2Character attacker)
void onEvtThink ()
void onEvtUserCmd (Object arg0, Object arg1)
void onIntentionActive ()
void onIntentionAttack (L2Character target)
void onIntentionCast (L2Skill skill, L2Object target)
void onIntentionFollow (L2Character target)
void onIntentionIdle ()
void onIntentionInteract (L2Object object)
void onIntentionMoveTo (L2CharPosition pos)
void onIntentionMoveToInABoat (L2CharPosition destination, L2CharPosition origin)
void onIntentionPickUp (L2Object object)
void onIntentionRest ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.ai.AbstractAI
 AbstractAI (L2Character.AIAccessor accessor)
boolean canMoveTo (Location loc)
void clientActionFailed ()
void clientNotifyDead ()
void clientStopMoving (L2CharPosition pos)
void clientStoppedMoving ()
L2Character getFollowTarget ()
L2Object getTarget ()
void moveTo (int x, int y, int z)
void moveTo (int x, int y, int z, int offset)
void moveToInABoat (L2CharPosition destination, L2CharPosition origin)
void moveToPawn (L2Object pawn, int offset)
synchronized void setAttackTarget (L2Character target)
synchronized void setCastTarget (L2Character target)
synchronized void setTarget (L2Object target)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.ai.AbstractAI
final L2Character _actor
final L2Character.AIAccessor _accessor
CtrlIntention _intention = IDLE
Object _intentionArg0 = null
Object _intentionArg1 = null
boolean _clientMoving
boolean _clientAutoAttacking
int _clientMovingToPawnOffset
L2Character _attackTarget
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.ai.AbstractAI
static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractAI.class)

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