void | decayMe () |
void | firstSpawn () |
L2PcInstance | getActingPlayer () |
L2PcInstance | getPlayer () |
boolean | isPlayer () |
boolean | isItem () |
L2Playable | getPlayable () |
boolean | isPlayable () |
L2Character | getCharacter () |
boolean | isCharacter () |
L2Npc | getNpc () |
boolean | isNpc () |
L2Summon | getActingSummon () |
int | getColHeight () |
int | getColRadius () |
int | getHeading () |
L2GameServerPacket | getInfoPacket () |
ObjectKnownList | getKnownList () |
Location | getLoc () |
final String | getName () |
final ObjectPoly | getPoly () |
final ObjectPosition | getPosition () |
Integer | getPrimaryKey () |
L2WorldRegion | getWorldRegion () |
final int | getX () |
final int | getY () |
final int | getZ () |
boolean | isAttackable () |
boolean | isAutoAttackable (L2Character attacker) |
boolean | isInFunEvent () |
boolean | isInWorld () |
final boolean | isVisible () |
void | onAction (L2PcInstance player) |
void | onActionShift (L2PcInstance player) |
void | onForcedAttack (L2PcInstance player) |
void | onSpawn () |
void | reset () |
void | setName (String name) |
final void | setXYZ (int x, int y, int z) |
final void | spawnMe () |
final void | spawnMe (int x, int y, int z) |
final void | spawnMe (int x, int y, int z, boolean firstspawn) |
void | toggleVisible () |
String | toString () |
String | getL2ClassShortName () |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/master/Documents/l2/servers/source/l2premium/L2JPremium_GameServer/src/com/premium/game/model/L2Object.java