com.premium.game.model.L2Object Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for com.premium.game.model.L2Object:
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.model.L2Object:

Public Member Functions

void decayMe ()
void firstSpawn ()
L2PcInstance getActingPlayer ()
L2PcInstance getPlayer ()
boolean isPlayer ()
boolean isItem ()
L2Playable getPlayable ()
boolean isPlayable ()
L2Character getCharacter ()
boolean isCharacter ()
L2Npc getNpc ()
boolean isNpc ()
L2Summon getActingSummon ()
int getColHeight ()
int getColRadius ()
int getHeading ()
L2GameServerPacket getInfoPacket ()
ObjectKnownList getKnownList ()
Location getLoc ()
final String getName ()
final ObjectPoly getPoly ()
final ObjectPosition getPosition ()
Integer getPrimaryKey ()
L2WorldRegion getWorldRegion ()
final int getX ()
final int getY ()
final int getZ ()
boolean isAttackable ()
boolean isAutoAttackable (L2Character attacker)
boolean isInFunEvent ()
boolean isInWorld ()
final boolean isVisible ()
void onAction (L2PcInstance player)
void onActionShift (L2PcInstance player)
void onForcedAttack (L2PcInstance player)
void onSpawn ()
void reset ()
void setName (String name)
final void setXYZ (int x, int y, int z)
final void spawnMe ()
final void spawnMe (int x, int y, int z)
final void spawnMe (int x, int y, int z, boolean firstspawn)
void toggleVisible ()
String toString ()
String getL2ClassShortName ()

Static Public Member Functions

static final L2PcInstance getActingPlayer (L2Object obj)
static final L2Summon getActingSummon (L2Object obj)

Static Public Attributes

static final L2Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new L2Object[0]

Protected Member Functions

 L2Object (int objectId)

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