com.premium.game.model.zone.L2SepultureZone Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.premium.game.model.zone.L2SepultureZone:
Collaboration diagram for com.premium.game.model.zone.L2SepultureZone:

Public Member Functions

void onDieInside (L2Character character)
void onReviveInside (L2Character character)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
void broadcast (L2GameServerPacket pkt)
int getCastleId ()
FastMap< Integer, L2CharactergetCharactersInside ()
int getClanhallId ()
String getClassName ()
double getDistanceToZone (int x, int y)
double getDistanceToZone (L2Object object)
int getFortId ()
final String getFuncOwnerName ()
final L2Skill getFuncOwnerSkill ()
int getHPDamagePerSecond ()
int getId ()
final int getMaxZ (int x, int y, int z)
final int getMaxZ (L2Object obj)
int getMiddleX ()
int getMiddleY ()
final int getMinZ (int x, int y, int z)
final int getMinZ (L2Object obj)
int getMPDamagePerSecond ()
String getName ()
List< L2PcInstancegetPlayersInZone ()
Location getRandomLocation ()
FastMap< RestartType, List< Location > > getRestartMap ()
Location getRestartPoint (RestartType type)
int getTownId ()
ZoneType getType ()
final String getTypeName ()
final StatsSet getZoneValues ()
boolean intersectsRectangle (int ax, int bx, int ay, int by)
boolean isCharacterInZone (L2Character character)
boolean isCorrectType (L2Character character)
boolean isInsideZone (int x, int y)
boolean isInsideZone (int x, int y, int z)
boolean isInsideZone (L2Object object)
boolean isPeace ()
void movePlayersTo (int x, int y, int z)
void removeCharacter (L2Character character)
void revalidateInZone (L2Character character)
void setEnabled (boolean val)
String toString ()

Protected Member Functions

void onEnter (L2Character cha)
void onExit (L2Character cha)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
List< FuncgetStatFuncs (L2Character player)
void parseCondition (Node n) throws Exception
void parseZoneDetails (Node zn)
void register ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
static L2Zone parseZone (Node zn)
- Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
boolean _noMiniMap
- Static Public Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
static final byte FLAG_PVP = 0
static final byte FLAG_PEACE = 1
static final byte FLAG_SIEGE = 2
static final byte FLAG_MOTHERTREE = 3
static final byte FLAG_CLANHALL = 4
static final byte FLAG_NOESCAPE = 5
static final byte FLAG_NOLANDING = 6
static final byte FLAG_NOSTORE = 7
static final byte FLAG_WATER = 8
static final byte FLAG_FISHING = 9
static final byte FLAG_JAIL = 10
static final byte FLAG_STADIUM = 11
static final byte FLAG_CHAOTIC = 12
static final byte FLAG_NORESTART = 13
static final byte FLAG_DANGER = 14
static final byte FLAG_CASTLE = 15
static final byte FLAG_NOSUMMON = 16
static final byte FLAG_FORT = 17
static final byte FLAG_TRADE = 18
static final byte FLAG_NOCHAT = 19
static final byte FLAG_QUEEN = 20
static final byte FLAG_BAIUM = 21
static final byte FLAG_ZAKEN = 22
static final byte FLAG_NOMAP = 23
static final byte FLAG_ARTEFACTCAST = 24
static final byte FLAG_CASTLETRAP = 25
static final byte FLAG_ALLOWAIO = 26
static final byte FLAG_NOSTRIDER = 27
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
Affected _affected = Affected.ALL
boolean _removeAll = false
int _id
String _name
boolean _enabled
Shape[] _shapes
Shape[] _exShapes
FastMap< Integer, L2Character_characterList
List< L2PcInstance_playersInZone
FastMap< RestartType, List< Location > > _restarts
int _castleId
int _clanhallId
int _townId
int _fortId
ZoneType _type
PvpSettings _pvp
Boss _boss
boolean _noEscape
boolean _noLanding
boolean _noStrider
boolean _noPrivateStore
boolean _noSummon
boolean _trade
boolean _chaotic
boolean _noRestart
boolean _allowaio
boolean _noChat
boolean _Queen
boolean _Baium
boolean _Zaken
SystemMessage _onEnterMsg
SystemMessage _onExitMsg
int _abnormal
int _hpDamage
int _mpDamage
boolean _exitOnDeath
boolean _buffRepeat
List< L2Skill_applyEnter
List< L2Skill_applyExit
List< L2Skill_removeEnter
List< L2Skill_removeExit
FuncTemplate[] _funcTemplates
boolean _artefactCast
boolean _trapCast
String _typeName
StatsSet _values
String _instanceName
String _instanceGroup
int _minPlayers
int _maxPlayers
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from com.premium.game.model.zone.L2Zone
static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Zone.class.getName())
static final Func[] EMPTY_FUNC_SET = new Func[0]

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