void | onDieInside (L2Character character) |
void | onReviveInside (L2Character character) |
void | broadcast (L2GameServerPacket pkt) |
int | getCastleId () |
FastMap< Integer, L2Character > | getCharactersInside () |
int | getClanhallId () |
String | getClassName () |
double | getDistanceToZone (int x, int y) |
double | getDistanceToZone (L2Object object) |
int | getFortId () |
final String | getFuncOwnerName () |
final L2Skill | getFuncOwnerSkill () |
int | getHPDamagePerSecond () |
int | getId () |
final int | getMaxZ (int x, int y, int z) |
final int | getMaxZ (L2Object obj) |
int | getMiddleX () |
int | getMiddleY () |
final int | getMinZ (int x, int y, int z) |
final int | getMinZ (L2Object obj) |
int | getMPDamagePerSecond () |
String | getName () |
List< L2PcInstance > | getPlayersInZone () |
Location | getRandomLocation () |
FastMap< RestartType, List< Location > > | getRestartMap () |
Location | getRestartPoint (RestartType type) |
int | getTownId () |
ZoneType | getType () |
final String | getTypeName () |
final StatsSet | getZoneValues () |
boolean | intersectsRectangle (int ax, int bx, int ay, int by) |
boolean | isCharacterInZone (L2Character character) |
boolean | isCorrectType (L2Character character) |
boolean | isInsideZone (int x, int y) |
boolean | isInsideZone (int x, int y, int z) |
boolean | isInsideZone (L2Object object) |
boolean | isPeace () |
void | movePlayersTo (int x, int y, int z) |
void | removeCharacter (L2Character character) |
void | revalidateInZone (L2Character character) |
void | setEnabled (boolean val) |
String | toString () |
void | onEnter (L2Character cha) |
void | onExit (L2Character cha) |
List< Func > | getStatFuncs (L2Character player) |
void | parseCondition (Node n) throws Exception |
void | parseZoneDetails (Node zn) |
void | register () |
static L2Zone | parseZone (Node zn) |
boolean | _noMiniMap |
static final byte | FLAG_PVP = 0 |
static final byte | FLAG_PEACE = 1 |
static final byte | FLAG_SIEGE = 2 |
static final byte | FLAG_MOTHERTREE = 3 |
static final byte | FLAG_CLANHALL = 4 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOESCAPE = 5 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOLANDING = 6 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOSTORE = 7 |
static final byte | FLAG_WATER = 8 |
static final byte | FLAG_FISHING = 9 |
static final byte | FLAG_JAIL = 10 |
static final byte | FLAG_STADIUM = 11 |
static final byte | FLAG_CHAOTIC = 12 |
static final byte | FLAG_NORESTART = 13 |
static final byte | FLAG_DANGER = 14 |
static final byte | FLAG_CASTLE = 15 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOSUMMON = 16 |
static final byte | FLAG_FORT = 17 |
static final byte | FLAG_TRADE = 18 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOCHAT = 19 |
static final byte | FLAG_QUEEN = 20 |
static final byte | FLAG_BAIUM = 21 |
static final byte | FLAG_ZAKEN = 22 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOMAP = 23 |
static final byte | FLAG_ARTEFACTCAST = 24 |
static final byte | FLAG_CASTLETRAP = 25 |
static final byte | FLAG_ALLOWAIO = 26 |
static final byte | FLAG_NOSTRIDER = 27 |
Affected | _affected = Affected.ALL |
boolean | _removeAll = false |
int | _id |
String | _name |
boolean | _enabled |
Shape[] | _shapes |
Shape[] | _exShapes |
FastMap< Integer, L2Character > | _characterList |
List< L2PcInstance > | _playersInZone |
FastMap< RestartType, List< Location > > | _restarts |
int | _castleId |
int | _clanhallId |
int | _townId |
int | _fortId |
ZoneType | _type |
PvpSettings | _pvp |
Boss | _boss |
boolean | _noEscape |
boolean | _noLanding |
boolean | _noStrider |
boolean | _noPrivateStore |
boolean | _noSummon |
boolean | _trade |
boolean | _chaotic |
boolean | _noRestart |
boolean | _allowaio |
boolean | _noChat |
boolean | _Queen |
boolean | _Baium |
boolean | _Zaken |
SystemMessage | _onEnterMsg |
SystemMessage | _onExitMsg |
int | _abnormal |
int | _hpDamage |
int | _mpDamage |
boolean | _exitOnDeath |
boolean | _buffRepeat |
List< L2Skill > | _applyEnter |
List< L2Skill > | _applyExit |
List< L2Skill > | _removeEnter |
List< L2Skill > | _removeExit |
FuncTemplate[] | _funcTemplates |
boolean | _artefactCast |
boolean | _trapCast |
String | _typeName |
StatsSet | _values |
String | _instanceName |
String | _instanceGroup |
int | _minPlayers |
int | _maxPlayers |
static Logger | _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Zone.class.getName()) |
static final Func[] | EMPTY_FUNC_SET = new Func[0] |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/master/Documents/l2/servers/source/l2premium/L2JPremium_GameServer/src/com/premium/game/model/zone/L2SepultureZone.java